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starting school

Mamma Musings

So my oldest is starting school….

I can’t quite believe my oldest, my  first born, my gorgeous blue eyed, blonde haired, gentle boy is about to start school. He is about to enter the world all by himself.  It seems like yesterday he was this teeny tot curled up in his mosses basket while I stared at him for hours on end terrified something would happen to him. How is he almost five?! For almost five amazing years you have made our lives complete, you have shown us what ultimate love is, what its like to love so much your heart hurts, what its like to protect with fierceness that’s unrivalled.  We watch the way you have taken on the big brother role with all your heart. You teach him, you help him, you drive him nuts at times but we know you love him like he loves you unconditionally. Its magical to watch the bond between you to watch the gentleness in the way you assist him when he falls or cant quite reach that toy. I know you are ready to enter the world now by yourself and in my mind starting school is that first step.  You are starting to dip your toes into the vast world that’s out there. I want to protect you every minute of every day but I know I must let you off yourself to start exploring but you know I’m here, I’m always here for you.

Back to school

Back to school

When you go to bed I often lay your school bits on the floor, to touch them, to imagine what it will be like that first morning to see you all dressed up ready for the off. I promise I wont cry, ill be brave like I know you will be.

What we got

I don’t know whether it was excitement, nerves or just because he is my first I’m really organised for September.  I took advantage of the Marks & Spencer’s sale when they had 20% off their uniforms so I stocked up! The non iron shirts had me sold! I got the trousers with the anti stain as I’m pretty sure if its anything like he is now there will be plenty of running and jumping going on in the school yard so hard wearing will be a must.  All that’s left is the school jumper and tracksuit. Next weekends plan hopefully! Actually and shoes but I think ill leave them another few weeks.

The lovely people at Sambro sent us  the Cars school bag and stationary (pictured above) and it was incredibly well received in this house. His bedroom is cars themed so there was great excitement when a Lightening McQueen backpack landed through the letterbox. Its a great bag as the front can be wiped down easily, its just the right size for his two books (so cute) and matching stationary is super cute and adds a fun dimension to it. The straps are adjustable and comfortable too. It also reasonably priced which is a big plus for what can be a very expensive time of year.  I’m all about easy clean and between the uniform and the backpack I think I have this sos’d.

Despite have a minor fall in the days leading up to school beginning,  Mama had to dust herself and on put on a brace face as anybody with knee injury  will know it can be extremely limiting.  It was such an unfortunate incident.  I was literally crossing the road and bang I was on the ground. There was a blue cable tie on the ground outside a shop which my leg got caught on.  Anyway I digress, I didn’t  let the unfortunate incident get in the way of the momentous occasion for my son.

With some final words of inspiration from Dr Seuss……. we are starting a new journey, we are nervous, we are excited but most importantly we are ready to take on new challenges and help my little boy as he takes off on life’s next great adventure.


Note: We were sent the Sambro bag pack however all opinions and tears shed where my own 🙂