
Looking For Something New_ Keep Watch for the 2018 Subaru Ascent SUV

We buy cars for different reasons.  For some of us, it becomes an automatic process. After a certain amount of time, we trade in our old model for a new one.  For others, we wait until our existing car wears out. When we no longer wish to put another dime into it for maintenance, we start considering options. And then the process of finding a new car begins. But even that has changed in recent years.    No longer do you have to visit an auto dealer to find out the latest information. A simple search from the comfort of your chair can yield the same results. Looking for a new Subaru for sale? Simply type it into a search engine and away you go.

A JD Power New Autoshopper Study found that five of every nine – 56 percent – automotive internet shoppers are now conducting product research on their mobile devices. And the average auto internet shopper now spends about 13 hours conducting research online.   Those hours aren’t spent visiting every model and manufacturer out there. The same JD Power study reports that more than half – 53 percent – of all auto buyers indicate they knew the make or model of the vehicle they wanted to purchase before they begin to shop.   That means the hours spent online aren’t about clarifying your choices. Instead, the hours spent online are more about becoming an expert on the type of vehicle they want. That way, when people finally decide to buy, the sales process is already complete.

Smart dealers understand this. And they make the process even easier for you.   Ready to buy a new Subaru? You may start by searching with basic information such as “Subaru for sale.” But very quickly you will hone in on the model and start searching for as much detail as you can find. Might we suggest the 2018 Subaru Ascent SUV?

Determine What You Need

While price is always a determining factor in the final vehicle you purchase, getting what you need tops the list. Separating your needs from your wants is essential.   If you are single with no plans to get married or have a family, it’s important to select a car that fits your single lifestyle.  If you are married with kids, getting something a roomy and safe vehicle may be of top concern.  If you’re older and live an active lifestyle, something with easy access and lots of flexibility may be more your style.  Everyone has their own unique set of requirements for a new vehicle. And the Subaru Ascent SUV may be the perfect choice for you.   Of course, the Ascent comes with everything you’d expect in a new SUV. But you’ll find hidden surprises that can allow you to be as active as you want to be.     How about a vehicle that will tow up to 5,000 pounds and comes with Trailer Stability Assist? Or a vehicle that can travel more than 500 miles of highway driving range on a single tank of gas? Think that’ll help you explore your world a little more?

Decide What You Want 

Wants are much more fun, aren’t they? Wants allow us to personalize our purchases based on who we are. It gives us the opportunity to select a car based on what we do every day of our lives.   Sure, just about any car will get you to work and back. Or make a stop at the grocery store to pick up tonight’s dinner. But what about weekend fun?

Wants can include many different things, such as:

  • Style
  • Image
  • Color
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  • Fuel economy
  • Safety
  • Technology
  • Convenience
  • Comfort
  • Capacity

No wonder there are so many makes and models on the road today.  One of our favorite features of the Subaru Ascent is the versatility for today’s family. It gives you ample cargo space including underfloor storage. It provides room for every passenger and gear, whether you need a 7 passenger or 8 passenger model. It has extra wide rear door openings to make it easier than ever to load up. It even comes with 19 cup and bottle holders to ensure everyone’s beverage is secure and close at hand.

Choose Your Vehicle

Nearly half of all car buyers choose their next vehicle based on previous experience. That can come in many different forms, from renting one on vacation to selecting the same model every time.  Maybe it’s not just the model that matters to you; maybe it’s a Subaru. Many of our customers are very loyal to our brand and with good reason.   Subarus come with some of the highest safety features around. And when it comes to your family’s safety, you wouldn’t want anything else.   That’s why the Ascent was built with everything you love in the Subaru product. Then we’ve added even more.    How about Wi-Fi connectivity? Or USB charging spread throughout the cabin, so every passenger can control data in the exact way they please. Safety and connectivity – that’s what people want. They talk. We listen.

Negotiate your Purchase

Want an easier way to finalize the purchase once you have your vehicle in mind?    According to an Automotive Industry Digital Survey, 54 percent want information tailored to their needs while researching a new car in the online channels of their choice. The vast majority said they would be interested in completing the entire path online.   That’s not surprising in this technology-driven world we live in. We can buy just about anything online. We do our research there. We make our selections there? We can sign a contract there. We can fill out forms and finalize processes there. Why not be able to buy a car too?   User friendliness comes from working with a dealership you can trust throughout the process. And that’s what we strive to do.  If now is your time to find a new Subaru for sale, let us be part of the process. You can sign up for more information about the summer 2018 release of the Ascent SUV. Or fill out our handy form to start the auto financing process.

No matter what your question, we have the answer for you.  What can we do to make your car shopping a little easier?


Note: This is a collaborative post
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