
Special ways to celebrate the birth of your child

The birth of your child should be one of the most special days in your life. It is unlikely that you would need any help to remember this time, but you will want to mark the occasion. There are many ways you can celebrate the birth, from whetting the baby’s head to a full naming ceremony. Here we offer a guide to some of the unique ways to celebrate this birth.

Some personalised jewellery 

The point of any item you buy at this special time is to remember the arrival of a new individual into the world. One of the best ways to personalise this is with a fingerprint. The universe provided us with our unique mark on the world, and this mark can be engraved into gold or silver.

Laser engraving can forever capture the newborn baby’s fingerprint on baby fingerprint jewellery, and you can wear it around your neck, on your wrist or on your finger. When you start leaving the baby with others for the first time, this piece of beautiful jewellery can keep you connected with your little one. The necklace, ring or bracelet can also become a family keepsake that you can pass down to your grandchildren. Imagine giving them a little something of their parent to help link the family generations.

If you want something similar but without the cost, you can opt for baby castings instead. You can buy kits from the high street, which will allow you to create small imprints of your baby’s hands and feet. These unique models can be mounted in a frame and displayed and will be a forever marker for how small your child was – even when they come home from school as a teenager and grunt at you.

Add to nature

As the future of the environment is such a hot topic, doing something to mark a better future for your new child seems appropriate. A favourite way to do this is to plant a tree. A tree symbolises roots and the connection with the place we are born. It will also transcend generations, living beyond your life and that of your child.

As your child grows, so will the tree. It can be somewhere where you could hang a swing in the future or sit under it and have picnics. Your baby’s tree will become part of the family and its history.

If a tree is too big for your garden, you might want to consider a rose instead. You will need to nurture the rose, as you will your child, but both will offer immense beauty into the future.

The professional photographer

A lot of people wait a few weeks or even months before they have a professional photoshoot.  Yet, your baby will change so much of this time, and there will be memories missed. Hiring a specialist in newborn photography is essential, as getting the little one to pose is something of an art form. Also, although we don’t like to admit it too much, the newborn is not the most aesthetically pleasing stage. The baby will be red and wrinkled and there might be some battle scars from birth. Therefore, a photographer will work magic with props, lighting and angle to present the cutest, most beautiful image of your little person.

Photographs of your closest relatives with your baby will also form an essential part of the record of this time. Rather than have people come when they choose, leaving you swamped with lots of visitors, why not organised a welcome to the family gathering. This small and informal celebration can then be done on your terms, and you could encourage people to bring food too – amazingly handy when you have a newborn in the house. This could present the perfect opportunity to pose people with the baby as they say hello – creating a precious album of images for the future.

Time alone

When you look back on the first moments with your child, you might view it through a fog of chaos. You will have yet to get your routines in place, people will show up whether you want them to or not, and you will be exhausted. Consequently, you need to make a special effort to spend some alone time with your new loved one. Set aside a special moment where you sit alone in a room together and feel skin on skin. Sit quietly, not doing anything other than sitting in each other’s company and affirming that special bond that came with love at first sight.


Note: This is a collaborative post
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