Mamma Musings

Top Tips for Helping Your Child with their Social Skills

Being able to interact with other people successfully is an important aspect of a child’s personal and academic development. Unfortunately, not every single child is naturally sociable; it’s often a skill that parents need to help them to improve, using various methods. Here are some top tips from a senior school in Surrey.

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There are lots of things you can do to help your child with their social skills, as soon as they enter the world. Try and familiarise them with social situations as much as possible by introducing them to lots of different people, both adults and children. You could consider joining a Mother and Toddler group in your local area where your child will be able to meet other little girls and boys and play with them in a structured environment, with you close-by.

As they get older, talk to your child about manners and elements of a healthy conversation. Teach them that listening is often just as important as talking and that it’s rude to interrupt. Lots of people struggle to initiate conversations with new people, so this is something you could work on at home too. Teach your child that questions and compliments often work well when starting a conversation, like “Did you have a nice evening? What did you get up to?” or “I like your dress, where did you get it?”. 

You could encourage your child to join an extra-curricular club, which will allow them to build relationships, as well as countless new skills. This will help their confidence and allow them to feel more comfortable in social situations. Having a hobby will also give them something to talk about with friends and relatives.

Your child will learn a lot of their behaviour from watching you, so always try and be a good role model. When talking to someone within earshot of your child, demonstrate respect and good manners, as well as the correct balance of talking and listening. Your child will be able to replicate your behaviour when faced with social situations of their own.

Note: This is a collaborative post
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