Mamma Musings

Back to School Tips for parents

As the summer break ends and the school year approaches, parents and students alike are getting ready for the transition back to school. From gathering school supplies to ensuring your child is physically and mentally prepared, there’s a lot to consider. This comprehensive guide covers everything from essential vitamins and stationery shopping essentials to recommended hygiene products and insider tips from a seasoned primary school teacher, aka Mrs E who for full disclosure is my little sister!

1. Essential Vitamins for a Healthy School Year

Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in your child’s ability to focus, learn, and stay healthy throughout the school year. Here are some vital vitamins and minerals to consider:

  • Vitamin C: Known for its immune-boosting properties, Vitamin C can help ward off the colds and sniffles that often accompany the school year. Include citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers in your child’s diet.
  • Vitamin D: This vitamin is essential for bone health and immune function. While sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D, foods like fortified milk, eggs, and fish can help too.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are critical for brain health and cognitive function. Incorporate sources like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds into your child’s meals. Omega-3 supplements are also available, often in child-friendly forms like gummies.
  • Iron: Important for energy levels and cognitive development, iron can be found in lean meats, beans, and fortified cereals. For children who may have dietary restrictions, an iron supplement might be necessary.
  • Probiotics: A healthy gut is the foundation of a strong immune system. Probiotics can help maintain gut health, which is especially important during the school year when exposure to germs increases. Yogurt, kefir, and certain cheeses are good sources, or you can opt for probiotic supplements. I have started my pair on ProVen  Fit for school, which contain  contains 12.5 billion of the unique Lab4 probiotics, combined with vitamin C, to support your child’s immune function, digestive health, and overall well-being. They taste pleasant according to the kids so that a win for sure.  This time of year we also use an immune support Zarbees immune support liquid which will hopefully help fend against the inevitable coughs and colds that back to school can bring.
  • Medicines: Hopefully we won’t need them but I do always keep a supply of the cough and cold essentials in stock as you can be sure that high temp will occur middle of the night when nowhere is open therefore I keep supplies of paracetamol in addition to cough bottles just in case. Another product that’s really handy for this time of year are Tonstix jelly pops which help sooth sore throats and ease cough. They are available across Tesco’s nationwide. We have used them many times in the past. As an aside the travel pops by Tonstix are excellent. We used them for the ferry last year and found them great.

2. Stationery Shopping Essentials

A well-stocked pencil case can set the tone for a productive school year.  The one thing I cant stress enough here it that you don’t need to be spending huge amounts of money for stationary, places like EuroGiant have really good offers starting from as little as €1.50 and you can buy online too.

Here is a checklist of must-have stationery items to ensure your child is prepared:

  • Notebooks and Binders: Start with the basics—lined notebooks for note-taking and binders to keep handouts and assignments organized. Depending on your child’s age, they may need separate notebooks for different subjects. Some school do supply these, so its worth checking.
  • Pens and Pencils: Stock up on pencils, pens (in various colours), and erasers. Mechanical pencils can be a good choice for older students, while younger children may benefit from traditional pencils with larger grips.
  • Highlighters: Highlighters are invaluable for marking important information in notes and textbooks. Choose a variety of colours to help with color-coding.
  • Markers and Coloured Pencils: For projects and creative assignments, markers and coloured pencils are essential. Look for sets that are non-toxic and easy to clean.
  • Ruler and Geometry Set: A ruler is a must for drawing straight lines, and a basic geometry set (including a protractor and compass) will come in handy for math assignments.
  • Glue Sticks and Scissors: These are essential for craft projects and any activities that involve cutting and pasting. Make sure the scissors are age-appropriate for safety.
  • Pencil Case: Choose a sturdy pencil case to keep all these essentials in one place. A well-organized pencil case can make it easier for your child to find what they need quickly during class.
  • Backpack: A good-quality backpack is essential for carrying books, stationery, and lunch. Look for one that is durable, with padded straps for comfort and enough compartments to keep everything organized.
  • Labels: Personalized labels are a great way to ensure that your child’s belongings don’t get mixed up or lost. Label everything from notebooks and binders to water bottles and lunchboxes. We are into our 8th year in the school system and My Nametags have been our go to since the very first day.  We have items that still have their name tag almost 8 years now! If that’s not a testament to their durability I don’t know what is”

3. Must-Have Hygiene Products 

Keeping germs at bay is a top priority, especially in a school setting where children are in close contact with one another. Here are some essential products to include in your child’s back-to-school kit:

  • Hand Sanitizer: Choose an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to ensure it’s effective against germs. Travel-sized bottles are perfect for backpacks and lunchboxes.
  • Antibacterial Wipes: These are great for wiping down desks, lunch tables, and other shared surfaces. Opt for wipes that are gentle on the skin and free from harsh chemicals.
  • Tissues: A box of tissues should always be within reach, whether in the classroom or your child’s backpack. Tissues help minimize the spread of germs and can be used to cover sneezes and coughs.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial, but shared water fountains can be breeding grounds for germs. Equip your child with a reusable water bottle to avoid unnecessary exposure.  I very much subscribe to the adage, buy well – buy once.  Our go to for school is the Bbox insulated bottles. They are really durable and keep the drinks nice and cold.

4. Insider Tips from a Primary School Teacher

Who better to provide back-to-school advice than a seasoned primary school teacher? Full disclosure, Mrs E is my sister and has over 20 years experience across all class groups in primary school. Here are some insider tips to help your child thrive in the classroom:

  • Establish a Routine: “Kids thrive on routine,” says Mrs. E. “Start waking your child up at the time they’ll need to get up for school at least a week before classes begin. This helps their body clock adjust and makes the first week back less of a shock.”
  • Encourage Independence: Mrs. E emphasizes the importance of fostering independence. “Teach your child to pack their own backpack, lay out their clothes for the next day, and complete their homework without constant reminders. These small acts of independence build confidence and responsibility.”
  • Create a Homework Station: “A designated, distraction-free area for homework can make a world of difference,” Mrs. E advises. “Keep supplies like pencils, paper, and erasers within reach, and make sure the space is quiet and well-lit.”
  • Stay Informed and Engaged: Mrs. E encourages parents to stay engaged with their child’s education. “Attend parent-teacher meetings, keep an eye on school newsletters, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the teacher if you have concerns. Being involved shows your child that you value their education.”  And further “its important not to project your own feelings on your primary experience onto your child particularly if you didn’t enjoy your own experience”.  I often hear parents commenting on “having to do Irish, they didn’t like it etc.. commentary like that in front of your child only sets a negative tone, let them make up their own minds and approach subjects with an open mind”.
  • Prioritize Sleep: “Adequate sleep is non-negotiable,” she stresses. “Establish a bedtime routine that includes winding down activities like reading or a warm bath. Sleep directly impacts your child’s ability to concentrate and perform well in school.”
  • Promote Kindness and Empathy: Finally, Mrs.  E highlights the importance of social-emotional learning. “Teach your child the value of kindness, sharing, and empathy. These qualities help them build positive relationships and contribute to a supportive classroom environment for us all.”


Preparing for the school year involves more than just buying supplies; it’s about ensuring your child is physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn and grow. Supporting our children through their education journey is one of the greatest gifts we can give them.




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