You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth – Kahlil Gibran
Probably around this time last year I joined Donna from What the Redhead Said linkie – known as Living Arrows where each week you share a photo from the week which celebrates childhood. I don’t know exactly why but this link up speaks to me! I love what it stands for and love the quote above that gave Donna the inspiration to start this. For the week that’s in it this weeks photo is of my oldest as he prepares to return to school this week. I always feel like this week is a bit bitter sweet, yes to getting back to normality and a set routine but no to missing so much time with my pair. An additional challenges that comes with starting school is the change in childcare arrangements, resources such as toddle can be a massive help with this.
For me this photo sums up a lot about him, while you cant see his face you can see the concentration in his gesture. He is so like me in many ways. He likes to be prepared. He loves PJ Masks and being surrounded by his favourites is sure to help instil some superpowers of his own in him.
Its such new territory for them and hopefully familiarity and self belief will help them be brave on their new journey just like his favourite superhero CatBoy. He likes to call me Owlette, which im hoping is become his mamma has her own superpowers to help him in any and every way she can.
Good luck to everybody starting or returning to school this week, in the words of Oprah – “education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom”
1 Comment
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.