
Newborn Sleep Survival Tips for New Parents

Did you know that with newborn babies, many women lose about an hour of sleep while men lose 13 minutes of sleep per night?

Having a newborn baby can be exhausting in the first six weeks after childbirth. All parents cope with a particular level of weariness. If you’re feeling down and can’t cope with things, you have to figure out how to get more rest.

Making a newborn sleep can be tricky, and pushing through the day could be difficult. So, here are some tips for new parents to help you manage sleep deprivation:

Sleep When You Can

Try to take some power naps as soon as your baby falls asleep. It may be tempting to seize the time to do household chores, but getting some rest is necessary.

newborn with parents

Pic Credit: Pixabay

Put an alarm if you’re anxious about napping too long. Furthermore, if your baby is fussy during the night, you can try shift sleeping with your partner.

Share the Chores

Don’t do any non-essential chores around the house and accept or ask for help from friends and family. It isn’t the time to feel or think like you can manage everything. In addition, partners can cope with exhaustion better if they share domestic and parenting duties.

You can also ask for help from a nanny in the morning to get some sleep after brestfeeding. You can also go for a breastfeeding routine. For instance, you give the milk in the morning and your partner can give the baby a bottle of breast milk at night.

If you’re looking to buy organic milk for your newborn, check out this shop for hipp baby formula.

Know Your Baby’s Sleep Patterns

The stage when your baby wakes up many times a night won’t persist forever. As babies grow older, they sleep for a more extended period. Learn more about a newborn sleep schedule to help your baby sleep and know what to expect.

 Get Some Excercise

Going for a walk and breathing fresh air can help break off the tiredness. Sunlight can also enhance a baby’s sleep during nighttime.

However, exhaustion can make it tougher to feel motivated, and moms may find it comfier to stay at home. Nonetheless, doing some exercise could help you to feel less tired and improve your overall lifestyle.

Relaxation Excercise to Fight Off Stress

Most times, you can feel exhausted if you’re stressed. So do something with the stress to make it easier to cope. For example, try a few minutes of relaxation exercise that might help recharge you. 

You could research some online relaxation techniques. Begin with a simple breathing exercise that you can do outside or inside the house.

Tips for Parents on Newborn Sleep

Understanding all the tips above can help new parents cope with their fussy babies at night. Sharing the baby chores and house chores with your partner or family can help you have enough rest. In addition, doing good sleep hygiene and exercises can relieve some stress.

Want to learn more tips on newborn sleep and get advice for new parents? Then, scan through our guides to learn more!


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