
Three Ways To Fund Your Wanderlust


Pic Credit: Pixabay

Travel is one of life’s luxuries, a way of experiencing new ways of life almost endlessly, and the opportunity to take a holiday somewhere new is always an attractive possibility. While there are some lucky people who have managed to visit every country on the face of the Earth, most of us have barely scratched the surface, and have plenty of destinations left on our bucket list.

The thing about that bucket list is that there are probably some reasons we haven’t already crossed off every place on there. Primary among those reasons is that it costs money to travel, and although you might fancy spending a while experiencing the wonders of Iceland, actually funding that trip is another matter. So if you really want to travel more, there is going to be the question of how you pay for it. The options below are a few potential answers.

Work your way around the world

If you’re relatively footloose and fancy-free, then you can see some of the world by working within the travel industry. While training as a pilot might be a little drastic, you can look for openings as airline cabin crew, which offers the opportunity for layovers in new places – but might limit what you’re able to see and do. Alternatively, you can move from place to place at a more leisurely pace if you know how to find a job quickly wherever you land; bar work, tutoring and construction crews are possible options if you have the right documentation, and allow you to spend longer in each place.

Save towards a target

It’s not always easy to save money, but if you are determined to find your way to a new part of the world there is a lot to be said for having a devoted “travel savings” account. You’ll need to be incredibly disciplined, put aside every penny you can and potentially even sell a few personal possessions to reach your target. It depends how much you want to see a certain place, of course, but if you have a travel itch you are desperate to scratch, you’ll do what you can to move that savings total towards its destination.

Look for every alternative source you can

We humans are so busy that we often don’t realize the range of options that are out there: chances for new experiences, acquaintances and opportunities. Keep turning over stones and you’ll be surprised by what you find; if you ask questions such as “Should I take a TEFL course?” or “What is Debt to Success System?”, you’ll find new income streams (and ways of saving) which can pay for trips abroad. Be active in your pursuit of passive income, because once you have found a way to diversify your income, you’re likely to find some others too.

Seeing more of the world is going to take some financial outlay, but if you make travel a priority you can enjoy the kind of experiences that only true wanderers can. It’s well worth the effort.


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