Mamma Musings

7 Productivity Tips for Mothers Working from Home

To work or not to work? This question is not a question anymore for most of the young mothers worldwide. An unstable economic situation and the modern set of values push women with young children to work almost as much as family men do. 

Data provided by the Office for National Statistics in Britain showed that the number of working mothers has been growing steadily. Over the last 20 years it has reached 71,1% in 2019. In the U.S., the majority of children grow up in families where both parents are employed, either full-time or part-time.

The answer to maintaining a satisfactory work-life balance for a stay-at-home mother can be a “home office”. Many women use it to the full extent. But how can you keep your efficiency on a maximum level, when there are so many distractions around?  

As a mom, you also can worry about writing process of your children so you can appeal to ib extended essay writing service and hire a writer that can help your children write a paper for them.

We’ll tell you! Read on to find helpful productivity tips for the most popular remote occupations.

mother kids ipad

Pic Credit: Unsplash

1. Find the Right Job 

There are three different types of jobs that you may do from home: full-time, part-time and freelance. 

If you have a toddler or a newborn, it’s better to choose freelance. Even if you have outside help, your child under 3 years old will hardly understand that mama needs to work. Children at that age are constantly craving your attention. 

However, if your child is of kindergarten age or you have a babysitter and a separate nursery, you may try to find a job with fixed hours.

2. Use the Education and Skills You Already Have

You heard a lot of inspiring stories about women who managed to change their occupation or start a business during their maternity leave, right? Be careful: such things happen, but not often. If you have a good education and reliable experience, the best thing you can do is to try and adapt this experience to work-at-home mode. 

Let’s take academic writers as an example. These are highly educated women with MA’s and PhDs who can easily use their skills and deep knowledge to work remotely on a flexible schedule. You can most probably find them here – You can get a high-class help with your term paper from them, either for yourself or your child. 

3. Choose the Most Popular Remote Professions 

We’ve already mentioned academic writing as a good remote profession. There are several other jobs that are more adaptable to remote job mode than others. The following ones are just the top of the iceberg.

  • Freelance journalist/editor;
  • Translator;
  • Tutor;
  • SMM/Content Manager; 
  • Sales Manager;
  • Programmer/Developer;
  • Data scientist;
  • Recruiter;
  • Project manager. 


    Pic Credit: Pixabay

This list can go on, as more and more companies allow their employees to work from a home office. 

What does it have to do with productivity? It’s simple: the better the job you have, the more you get paid for it. Then, your motivation gets higher – and motivation is key to being efficient!

4. Plan Your Schedule Carefully  

This is the most obvious piece of advice, right? But planning your schedule doesn’t mean writing down everything that you WANT to do. It’s about planning only what you HAVE TO do. 

  • Reserve time for things like visits to the doctor and to children’s educational activities, then insert the working hours. If you have fixed hours, do vise versa. 
  • Find time for relaxation and recreational activities. Include them in your schedule. 
  • All these plans should be have to be written down. You can use a calendar, an online planner like Trello or a simple paper daily planner. 

5. Delegate 

Be realistic: doing everything on your own is a dream that is unlikely to come true. Don’t try to be a superwoman and delegate.

  • Start with setting your priorities. If you value your time with the child most of all but don’t like cooking too much, use pre-made food or find someone to help you in the kitchen. If you love cooking, but hate cleaning, find a cleaner, and so on. 
  • As for finding the money for all the personnel – find a balance. Hire as much help as you can afford – and work as many hours as you really have. 
  • There’s also an option to find volunteer help – a father can do more housework than usual sometimes, and grandparents can take their grandchildren for a walk, for example.
  • Kindergarten is also a great option for older children.

Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Whereas if you try to be a genius of multitasking, it surely won’t. Multitasking is bad for your brain, remember that. 

6. Use Your Natural Productivity Peaks 


Pic Credit: Pixabay

We all have our productivity peaks during the 24-hour cycle. Ignoring this fact is a bad idea.  Though there’s a lot of advice on starting your day early to reach maximum efficiency, it’s not suitable for everyone. Don’t try to break your natural cycles for fashion. It can result in burnout and health problems.  And if you have no choice but to adapt to your baby’s sleeping schedule, consider postponing work for better times or hiring a sitter. 

7. Forget About Perfectionism 

Last, but not least. And it doesn’t mean that you can do your job with less precision or forget to feed the baby. Just don’t worry too much about not being on schedule to wash the floor or dust the shelves. Set the priorities and do some things really well. All that’s less important can be done less than perfect.

To Sum Up 

Productivity for a mother working at home starts from setting the priorities and making the right choices. Careful planning is a job half done. Remember to be realistic and not try to carry the world upon your shoulders or reinvent yourself during maternity leave. Take only as much work as you can handle.


Note: This is a collaborative post
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