
7 Tips for Maximizing Employee Productivity when Your Business Slumps

Employee productivity is directly linked to your business success. Measured in terms of output, productivity can go down during a bad economy. But you can maintain it fairly easily.

Attain Employees Likely to Stay

employees in a busy office

Pic Credit Pixabay

One of the most crucial ways to keep productivity high is by employing people with the skills needed and the drive to get through tough times. During the interview phase, you can take extra care to assess the likelihood of high productivity using techniques developed by employee engagement consultant agencies. Engaging with employees on several levels helps you find the right new people and keep valued and skilled ones. At the same time, you save money because the cost of replacing a skilled worker can become equal to one year’s pay for someone lost.

Use Apps to Boost Employee Productivity

There are over 6 billion smartphone users globally. Smartphones and computer apps have become essential tools for modern business. Some of the best make complex subjects, like accounting, collaboration, and stock control, far more straightforward. Of course, there are numerous apps you can use to boost productivity. You want apps your employees can use to get things done quicker and better for the most part. For example, Cloud App allows you to send images and videos rather than long emails. So you can show people what you mean.

Consider Branching into Other Sectors

Almost all business runs on the system of supply and demand. And your product may not always be in demand. Not having demand for your product can mean loss of earnings, leading to cuts and letting people go. This can lead to diminished morale and low productivity, making it worse. But you can consider other sectors for business. For example, suppose you have a floor of press machines making hard candies for sweet shops. Then, should business decline due to health concerns, you could use your device for pressing pharmaceutical tablets for Big Pharma.

EXTRA: How to Plan for Unexpected Downtime

If the pandemic and the current supply chain problems have shown anything, it’s that anything can happen, to any business, at any time. And you could suffer some severe downtime. Downtime in business causes multiple problems. But you can plan in various ways:

  • Install UPS systems for computers and backup generators.
  • Back up your data to the cloud often.
  • Install quality antimalware or hire a managed IT company.
  • Train employees in emergency procedures.
  • Get on board with professional collaboration tools.

If your business is hit by something unexpected, you can reduce the impact with simple pre-planning. For example, a loss of power or a network breach can destroy your business. However, simple actions, alongside following procedures, are a massive help.

Offer Incentives for Loyalty to Your Company

Losing employees is a fact of business. However, during harder times, it’s possible your staff numbers could reduce as they jump ship for a better option. Yet as employees leave, it could cost you dearly to replace skilled workers. Therefore, it is helpful to provide a reason for people to stay other than their pay. Extras for employees might be a considerable expense but will be far less than replacing staff. Examples include seasonal bonuses at Christmas and end of tax year, rewards for reaching goals, and medical treatments such as dental plans.

Maintain Employee Productivity with Wellbeing

The pandemic has hit almost everyone hard. Stress and anxiety are among the worst complaints aside from the illness itself. And one survey has found that employee absence caused by burnout is up by over 50%. However, employers are becoming far more common to help employees by offering health and well-being advice, care, and guidance. Hiring an on-site therapist is a massive help but expensive. But things that will help include limiting work hours, encouraging staff to leave work at work, and asking for help if they need it.

Reward and Recognize Hard Work

Nobody likes to feel underappreciated, especially at work. When you work for someone, you work hard and want to know you have done a good job for your employer. A feeling of constant underappreciation is a surefire way to lose a good team member. Fortunately, it’s effortless to reward and recognize hard work. A simple “well done” or “thank you” can have a massive impact on employee morale. And sharing stories of success and hard work in company memes and newsletters is great for friendly competition and employee engagement.


Your business can suffer for many reasons. However, you can offset most negativity by boosting production. Examples include using apps, branching business, and rewarding hard work.

Note: This is a collaborative post

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