
Exploring STEM Subjects with Your Child

By exploring STEM related activities with your child from an early age, you will give them a head start from an academic perspective. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, and refers to all subjects that fall under that umbrella. There are lots of ways you can incorporate these topics into your everyday activities, to help your child with their overall learning. Here are some tips from a private school in Notting Hill.

Board Games

Believe it or not, as well as being great fun, board games are also great for a child’s academic development. Monopoly, for example, is great for teaching children basic numeracy skills, as it requires the player to perform various sums. 

Money Management

child in school

Pic Credit: Pixabay

Next time you’re out shopping, ask your child to calculate how much money you’ll need at the till, and how much change you should receive if you pay with a note. This will help them with their maths skills and show them how important it is in daily life.

Outdoor Play

Exploring nature is a fantastic way to introduce your child to STEM. Take a walk through the woods and talk to your child about the different trees and plants, and what types of animals and bugs might be living there. Plant some seeds in the garden and teach your child what’s involved in keeping them alive. Build a bird feeder or a bug hotel to welcome wildlife into your garden. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the great outdoors. 


Next time you’re topping up your car oil or windscreen wash, get your child to come and have a look at the car. Show them the engage and talk to them about what makes the car work. You could even take it one step further and talk to them about where petrol comes from and why electric vehicles are becoming more popular. 

Water Play

For younger children, water play is a great STEM learning activity. Next time your child has a bath, take along various items that they can drop into the water. Ask them if they know whether or not the item will sink, float, or become soggy in the water. 

Note: This is a collaborative post

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