Mamma Reviews

Mamma Fairy Reviews – Movial Plus

A couple of weeks back I was sent some Movial Plus to try out. Having thought about it im probably not the best person to give it a good trial so I enlisted some very willing reviewers – introducing the legend that is the Nana Fairy (!) and my husband, lets call him the Dada Fairy.

Both the Nana and the Dada Fairy suffer for joint point, knee for Nana Fairy and fingers for Dada Fairy (he works in construction). The Nana Fairy consulted with her GP prior to commencing.

The Product

Lets talk a little about the product first – Movial Plus is a food supplement, specifically developed to support normal collagen formation for bones and cartilage. movialplusThe key active ingredients are:

1. Hydrolyzed collagen type II  which is a source of amino acids which give structure and tone to connective tissue;

2. Vitamin C  which contributes to normal collagen formation, healthy bones and cartilage; and

3. Hyaluronic acid is a key component of the extracellular matrix, occurring naturally in the body, it is a key component of synovial fluid and cartilage.


The results:

I was most interested to see the results of the Nana Fairy as she has been having trouble with her knee since October. She is currently 20 days into taking these and is thrilled, she couldn’t straighten out her knee in the morning time for ages and often resorted to a muscle rub cream to help however after 12 days she no longer needed to do this. She is really happy with the progress and is going to keep going on them. She really does feel the joint is a lot more flexible since taking Movial Plus.

The Dada Fairy, while the difference for the Dada Fairy was not quite as dramatic as it was for the Nana Fairy he said there was a marked difference in the pain in the evening times following his days work. He too is going to keep using them.

Take care

~Mamma F

Note: Thanks to Scope Healthcare for sending us out Movial to try. Please note I am not a doctor or pharmacist and if you have queries on joint pain do consult one or the other.

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