Mamma Musings

Top Tips for Helping Your Kids with Maths

Maths is such an important part of our kid’s education, because it is an essential life skill. Mathematics helps children to make sense of numbers, patterns and shapes and it also encourages them to think of new concepts and ideas.

Being positive about maths is hugely important. Many parents doubt their own maths skills or worry that their teaching methods will be different to current school techniques; however what many parents don’t realise is that they can teach their kids maths by simply applying it to everyday activities.  

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Read on for some great tips from an independent school in Surrey on how parents can teach their kids maths at home…

Home Learning

Help to develop your child’s math skills by practicing together at home. This doesn’t mean text books and calculators; simply teach them how they can spot maths in everyday situations. For example, you can count money, play games or measure objects. Encouraging your child to explore maths in this way will greatly enhance their numeracy skills and help to make learning fun. Use kids math games and worksheets to better involve your child in home learning math.

Online Learning

There are many online resources that can support your child’s maths learning, including educational apps. These are great because they can be downloaded onto a smart device, such as a phone or tablet. Many of these apps are free and often include games, which will help to make maths more fun. Download a maths learning app onto your family tablet and see who can get the best score!

Learning Tools

If your child is learning their time tables it can be helpful to display them on a poster at home. Find a large poster that clearly displays the times tables from 1 to 12 and pop it up somewhere they will see it every day. Regular revision from this poster will aid their memorisation and their understanding of multiplication.

Playing games

Finally, spend some quality family time together playing board games. Board games are another great learning tool for teaching maths because they get kids practicing without even realising. Dominos and Monopoly are both great games for practicing maths and reinforcing key STEM skills.


Note: This is a collaborative post
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