If you have a child that’s in year 2, you will have probably heard of SATs. The acronym is short for “Standardised Assessment Tests” which take place in both years 2 and 6 of primary school to assess academic progress. This is also useful information for schools to collect as it allows them to see how well they are doing from a teaching point of view.
Key Stage 1 SATs
Children are tested on Maths and English (reading and SPAG) at key stage one and it’s really just a way of seeing whether they are on track for their age. They are not nationally recorded or used externally.
Key Stage 2 SATs
Another set of SATs are completed at the end of key stage 2 (in year 6). They are the first formal exams that children have where they are externally marked, and they are completed in accordance with an exam timetable. Unlike the ones before, there’s more that they are tested on. As well as reading and SPAG, children are tested on comprehension in English. Mathematical reasoning is also tested in maths.
Depending on the school that your child goes to, they may need to complete further SATs. These take place between years 2 and 6 in years 3,4 and 5. They are unofficial and used by schools to closely monitor the progress that their students have made year on year.
How Are Results Given?
For those that are externally marked and recognised (Year 6 SATs), they are given 3 types of scores. A raw score, scaled score and expected standard. Below is a breakdown of what each really is.
Raw score – The raw number of marks received.
Scaled score – A score that has been converted to determine year-on-year progress.
Expected standard – The national standard / expected level of progress.
Note: This is a collaborative post
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