Fairy Travels

Creating an Adventurous Life For Your Family

It’s commonly assumed that a person’s adventurous side comes to life when they’re younger, and then, once they have children, they settle into a life of responsibilities and quiet joys. While this might be true for many people, it’s not as if it’s a force of nature that everyone must bow to. It is possible to have a life filled with adventure, even if you have three children and a full-time job. Want to know how? Check out our tips below.

Ask For More From Your Weekends

woman hiking with child in carrier

Pic Credit: Pexels

Life will give us what we ask of it, so why not ask for more? If it’s an adventure that you seek, then make the most of the weekends. You’re given two full days to live life to the fullest, so don’t settle for a couple of days pottering around the house. Instead, see what’s possible. What this will be will depend on your interests and where you live, but whatever and wherever that is, you’ll almost certainly find something fun and exciting going on near to you. It’s all about having a can-do attitude and mustering up that little bit of energy that’s required to make things happen.

Trips In the Outdoors

We spend so much of our time in urban areas, that we tend to forget that the bulk of the UK is rural. Indeed, only around 10% of the UK is built on — that’s all the roads, shops, homes, everything. So there’s a lot of land to discover! The outdoors can give us virtually everything that we seek, including an adventure. So why not look at taking a trip to one of the beautiful corners of the UK for a weekend of camping? You’ll need a few essential camping supplies, and a reliable car that can handle rural terrain; if your current vehicle isn’t up to the task, then take a look at Reed Autos and find something more suitable. You’ll find that a few days spent in the outdoors can provide a level of adventure that city-life just can’t provide. 

Adventurous Holidays Abroad

There’ll be times when you want to go on fun family holidays: the question is, what kind of holiday will it be? While there’s plenty of fun to be had by taking a trip to a sunny destination for a week of fun on the beach, that’s far from the only option. If you’re looking for adventure as a clan, then take a look at visiting those destinations that are more off the beaten path, or that have adventure running through their veins (any mountain area, for example). Another option is to look at alternative trip options, such as those offered by Workaway or HelpX. You can meet interesting people from all over the world, learn a new skill, and all-around find yourself in interesting and adventurous scenarios, without even trying.

Incorporate the above tips and adopt an adventurous, ‘anything is possible’ attitude, and you’ll find that your family life is filled with plenty of memorable and exciting moments. 

Note: This is a collaborative post
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