
The Mamma Fairy is 1

Well…. this month marks the 1 year anniversary of The Mamma Fairy Blog. Never in a million years did I think id still be here a year later and enjoying it as much if not more than the first few weeks. This blog started on maternity leave with my second and grew from there.  I never believed anybody would really be interested in my random ramblings……I have learned so much from this journey, this time last year I had never heard of google analytics or SEO while im most certainly not an expert, I have learned a huge amount about it and the online world. Ill admit I was a pretty poor photographer to begin with but blogging has really helped this.  I didn’t even realise you could purchase   backdrops for your flat lays! How cool is that!  Certainly adds that extra bit of professionalism.

TBS-Top-Mommy-Blogger-Badge-2016The last few days have been full of great news for The Mamma Fairy Blog.  I’m delighted to share that my little blog has been chosen as one of the Top 100 Mommy Bloggers of 2016 by The Baby Spot Magazine.  This is a huge honour. The Baby Spot is a highly regarded Canadian based worldwide online parenting magazine and to be recognised firstly by such a respected publication and along side some great names is really so overwhelming.

Secondly and hot off the press is the news that The Mamma Fairy blog has been short listed in The Parenting Blog category for the Littlewoods Ireland Blog Awards.Littlewoods-Blog-Awards-2016-Website-MPU_Shortlist Again to be named alongside blogs that I would have followed and read before my own blogging journey is really exciting.  I never set out to earn accolades as a blogger however to be recognised is so flattering.  Thanks to everybody who reads and follows the blog, it is very much appreciated.

To finish I thought id mention some of my own person highlights over the last year. Without doubt meeting and forming new friendships has been my highlight. I have been fortunate enough to attend a number of events over the last year where I  can honestly say I could not have been made feel more welcome.  One particular event stands out and thats the Netflix London lunch. I had the fear big time heading off to London with two fellow bloggers I had never met.  My fears were totally unfounded – Kellie of My Little Babog and Sinead of Bumbles of Rice were so nice and welcoming and I thoroughly enjoyed my time.

Im going to enjoy a nice cold glass of white wine to celebrate the year the was.  Here’s to another blogging year. Again a huge thanks to everybody who reads the blog and do keep any feedback or suggestions coming.



Take Care

~Mamma F



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  • Reply Corrina Stone August 17, 2016 at 9:11 pm

    Happy blog birthday & congrats on your many achievements!

    • Reply Mamma Fairy August 17, 2016 at 9:16 pm

      Thanks so much, its been a very fast year

  • Reply Irishbabyfairy (Lisa) August 18, 2016 at 2:53 pm

    Congratulations on 1 year in! Only 3 months old here and so much to learn. Well done on a great blog x

    • Reply Mamma Fairy August 22, 2016 at 6:59 pm

      Thanks a mill, the months just fly by! x

  • Reply Ross - The Stented Papa August 24, 2016 at 11:00 pm

    This is amazing, massive congrats to you, you should be very happy & proud of yourself. That glass of wine should taste very sweet indeed ?

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