Mamma Reviews

Mamma Fairy Favourites May/June

Its been a while since I posted any Mamma Fairy favourites and to be quite frank its because there wasnt any products that I loved enough to share with you.  However I have 3 firm favourites that I have been using daily over the last few weeks.mayfavs

Nip and Fab Glycolic Fix Night pads

Numerous bloggers had reviewed this and I thought its probably a lot of hype however I was wrong.  These are the business.  I had really neglected my skin after my second was born and with back to work looming I felt I better up my game so I bought these in Boots Jervies, they were on sale, €11 I think. Well, well worth the money.  I use them after washing my face to give a deep clean.  They arent drying and work wonders on rough skin and black heads.  Be warned the first few days even a week or two, my skin around my jaw line broke out like I was a teenager again.  However once that had cleared, my skin became really fresh looking.  I use them every night and im now my second tub. Each one contains 60 pads.   They contain 5% glycolic acid which I believe is what aids the exfoliation. If you can get through the breakout few days they are well worth it for deep exfoliation. Particularly like me if you have neglected your skin for a while!

PS Make up fixing spray

This is not something I ever bothered with before but waiting in a long queue in Pennys blanchardstown “made” me buy this on impluse.  I was really surprised at how well it works for €2.50!! It is a really fine mist and definitely does hold my make up in place for a lot longer than it would have in the past.  I work in a stuffy albeit air conditioned office however by 3pm I used to notice my makeup was pratically non exisitent.  This has made quite an improvement to that and it seems to prevent that sort of sliping around my hair line which i used to go.  Its worth the €2.50 to give it a go for sure. Its in daily use with me at the moment.

Bioderma Hydrabio Creme

I have used Bioderma in the past and have had great success especially with their BB creme (see September Favs here ), so when I was sent their new Hydrabio range to try, I was happy to give it a go.  I never had dry skin until my second was born and for the last couple of months I was so dry and dehydrated looking.  This cream has a lovely thick rich feeling texture which is what I  love in a moisturiser.  I only use this a night as it is very rich in texture, it feels like  really treat especially after cleansing with the Nip&Fab pads. It really does deliver on its promise of hydration. When I wake in the morning my skin does feel quite plump and fresh looking. Its a little heavy for me for my rushed morning routine but an essential part of my bedtime skin care routine.  I was sent a tub to review however it does retail at a reasonable €18 (approx).

Have you tried any of the above?  Let me know what you thought.


~Mamma F


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