I think its safe to say that we experience stress of varying degrees throughout the day. But there are some moments that seem to really push us to our limits. Whether it’s a rainy, soggy school run that you’re already running late for. Unexpected visitors at the door when your house is probably less than fit for guests and trying to get the weekly shop done with a toddler that got bored after five very short minutes.
And if you’re heading back into education as an adult, then you might be a little concerned about how you’re going to manage and beat your stress levels when you’ve got assignments due, children to look after and every day life to manage! If you’re worrying about your stress levels then read on for 4 ways to beat stress as a mature student.
Get the knowledge you need
As a student you’re going to be learning lots throughout your studies. However, gaining a little extra studying knowledge before you dive straight into your studies will certainly keep your stress levels in check. If you’re worried about citations and correct referencing then its enough to push your anxiety through the roof – you can learn how to make an APA reference by clicking the link provided – or if you’re concerned about your spelling and grammar then consider getting in touch with a proofreader who can prove invaluable when it comes to finalising your assignments. From experience it is really worth putting in the time and effort here to achieve to achieve the best possible grades.
You can also speak with your tutor or professors if you’re struggling with something. Don’t be afraid to reach out wider for additional resources and assistance if needed places like Tavistock Tutors can help link you your tutor by phone, email or online making it very accessible and user friendly.
Eat well – eat healthy
I know this sounds basic but I cannot stress the importance of eating well. It can have some many benefits to your over health and well being which can serve you so well when you are studying or doing exams. Keeping your mind and body healthy. Aim for a diet as rich as possible in fresh fruit and vegetables and limit over processed food. My own aim is to eats foods as close to their original form as possible. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy the odd treat but I do aim for at least 80:20 in terms of “good” food. One of the things I have always loved is smoothies I find I can get a good mix of fruit and veg into my diet. I have recently been introduced to the benefits of CBD smoothies and how they can improve things like insomnia, stress and pain relief. All of those things for me anyway are symptomatic of times when im studying for exams. Do start with a small dose and slowly increase it from there. CBD comes in an isolate and can be added to any smoothie recipe. I love mixing up my smoothies and finding new combinations that work well.
Make time for the activities you enjoy
You know what they say, study hard – play hard. Even if your idea of playing hard is doing a little yoga or catching up on your favourite TV box set! Make sure you do plenty of activities that allow you to relax and feel good. Constantly cramming your studies in and having little time for fun might mean that you come to resent your decision to go back to education.
Don’t struggle in silence
Your friends and family will want you to succeed as much as you do. So, don’t be afraid to ask for a little help. Maybe the kids are full of energy and you’re trying to study, or perhaps you have a mountain of housework that needs doing yet you’ve got some assignments to complete. Reaching out to your friends and family for a little support is a good idea. It means you can enjoy your studies a little more and not worry about neglecting the other important parts of your life.
Get plenty of sleep
Never underestimate the positive impact that a good nights sleep will have. You might think it logical to stay up and study long into the night, rather than picking up where you left off the next day. However, if you opt for a good nights sleep instead then you’ll be able to retain in the information better, concentrate more and your day will be more productive. Give it a try!
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